Celebrating Earth Day
See the PNM Earth Day pledge

Earth Day is more than a day. It's our commitment.

We’re taking weekly steps to improve the environment across New Mexico. We also have dozens of ways you can choose to make a difference. Together, we can help make our corner of the planet a little greener.

Learn more about our sustainability story and plans for the future.

The links to the left provide in-depth information on steps we’re taking to be emissions free by 2040 and the energy efficiency programs that PNM customers can take advantage of now.

Week 08

PNM Sustainability Story: The New Horizon of Electrification

To create a cleaner world, we need to have cleaner electricity. PNM is already on track to provide 100% emissions-free energy by 2040. The next major step is moving the transportation sector from oil as fuel to fueling up with electric resources!

As we transform PNM’s generation resources, customers and employees can feel good about charging their vehicles on the PNM system. We’re cleaning our own fleet with 46 electrified vehicles, including hybrids ranging from passenger cars to heavy duty trucks on the road now.

We have also installed an additional 32 charging stations at company locations in 2019.

PNM is on-target to amplify its emissions-free resources to meet the demands of the transportation sector which include:

  • EV adoption by our residential and commercial customers.
  • Travel, transport and logistics industries using electrified trucks (medium duty and heavy duty) and last-mile delivery with electrified vehicles.
  • Partnerships with city and state governments for charging infrastructure.

Last year, PNM issued a Request for Information to explore new and emerging technologies that will help us power homes, businesses and cars into the next century. Electrification is the new horizon and PNM is at the forefront of this compelling, near-term opportunity!

Apr 20

Earth Day Tip #41: Join a CSA. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs deliver ultra-fresh, vitamin-rich, super delicious food to your door. Thank you farmers!

Apr 21

Earth Day Tip #42 : Use a dishwasher instead of handwashing. Hand washing typically uses 5 times as much water as an efficient dishwasher and 3.5 times more water as an average dishwasher. The more dishes you wash by hand, the more water you waste.

Earth Day Tip #43: Adopt pets instead of buying them from a breeder. There are so many orphaned pets in New Mexico that need a family. Rescue one and they’ll love you forever.

Earth Day Tip #44: Use organic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers improve the structure of your soil and increase its ability to hold water and nutrients. Over time, they will make your soil and plants healthy and strong.

Earth Day Tip #45: Save gift bags and boxes for future use. Gently-used gift wrapping, bags and boxes can last several rounds of giving. If you’re careful, you may never have to buy any of these again.

Earth Day Tip #46: Buy better quality garments that last longer. As the saying goes, cheap is dear – meaning something that is cheap will not last as long and be more expensive in the long run. Want high-quality garments at affordable prices? Try your local vintage clothing store!

Earth Day Tip #47: Invest in a pressure cooker. Reduce your cooking time and energy output by 70% with a modern-day pressure cooker. They’re lightweight, convenient and don’t emit that annoying high-pitched screeching sound.

Earth Day Tip #48: Use your phone, tablet or computer for note-taking. Not only will you save trees, but with the help of an app, it will automatically recognize and digitize your handwriting.

Earth Day Tip #49: Ditch disposable cutlery and napkins. The vast majority of plastic utensils cannot be recycled so they end up in a landfill. Use metal utensils or invest in reusable cutlery so you have it wherever you go.

Earth Day Tip #50: Create a video, slideshow or blog post implementing your favorite Earth Day tips. Tomorrow is Earth Day. Post your creation on social media so you can inspire others to do the same!