Celebrating Earth Day

Earth Day is more than a day. It's our commitment.

We’re taking weekly steps to improve the environment across New Mexico. We also have dozens of ways you can choose to make a difference. Together, we can help make our corner of the planet a little greener.

View our Earth Day pledge and make your own below.

Explore our energy efficiency and EV programs that PNM customers can take advantage of now by clicking one of the buttons to the left.

CEO Photo
We are committed to building a clean energy future for all New Mexicans.

We Pledge:

  • To be 100% carbon emissions-free by 2040 or sooner and encourage other utilities and businesses to do the same.
  • To continue to support our workers and the Farmington community after the closing of the San Juan Generation Station by providing job training, severance pay and transition funds.
  • To be 100% committed to exiting our remaining coal resources and will pursue all opportunities to do so.
  • To continue our collaborations with environmental leaders and groups in New Mexico to collectively build a clean energy future for all.
  • To help our customers save energy and money through conservation, energy efficiency efforts and sustainability tips.
  • To make everyday Earth Day at PNM by reducing our workplace carbon footprint and practice sustainability all year long.
  • To lead by example through innovation and investigation of advanced clean energy technologies so that we can continually provide safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable energy for generations to come.

Join us in an Earth Day Pledge.

There’s something all of us can do help save Planet New Mexico for Earth Day – and beyond. What can you commit to in your daily life and throughout the year?

Pick one tip to commit to practicing throughout the year.

I Pledge To...

Build a community garden

Use cloth towels instead of paper ones

Take a shorter shower

Keep my tires properly inflated for better gas mileage

Turn off lights when I leave a room

Track my foodprint

Eliminate single use bottled water in my life

Use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products

Replace inefficient light bulbs with efficient LEDs

Recycle my old refrigerator or freezer

Donate my old clothes and home goods

Compost leftover food and yard trimmings

Turn off the water while I am brushing my teeth

Turn my car engine off instead of idling

Fly direct if I have to fly

Buy products made from recycled materials

Read the ingredient list on products

Buy food in bulk to minimize packaging

Turn down the temperature of my water heater

Minimize my use of aerosols

Support a local store or restaurant

Be an eco-driver

Spend at least 10 minutes in nature every day

Cut each ring of six-pack holders before I throw it away

Read instead of streaming

Eat a plant-based burger

Share or rent items, rather than owning them

Make my own disinfectant

Start a garden swap

Volunteer for a digital Earth Day event

Reduce my pet’s carbon pawprint

Make a homemade bird feeder

Experiment with nutritious, planet-loving recipes

Have a No TV Day

Raise money/awareness for an Environmental group

Collect rainwater

Fix a leak in my home

Fall in love with my flora

Plan a Zero Waste event

Join a Community Supported Agriculture program

Use a dishwasher instead of handwashing

Adopt pets instead of buying them from a breeder

Use organic fertilizers

Save gift bags and boxes for future use

Buy better quality garments that last longer

Invest in a pressure cooker

Use my phone, tablet or computer for notetaking

Ditch disposable cutlery and napkins

Create a video, slideshow or blog post implementing my favorite Earth Day tips

Eat locally-sourced food when possible

Learn about regenerative agriculture

Make sure to use my recycling bin correctly

Grow a climate-friendly garden

Select an Earth Day Image





Green Chile


For Earth Day, I pledge to

Week 01

Becoming a National Leader in Zero-carbon Energy. In 2019, the historic Energy Transition Act was passed in New Mexico. It’s goal: to replace coal power with 100% carbon-free energy that includes renewable energy. We are so proud that today PNM produces 55% carbon-free electricity and we’re well on our way to making that 100%! That far exceeds the U.S. voluntary commitment to the Paris Agreement of a 26% to 28% reduction in carbon emissions below 2005 levels by 2025. Yes, we can become a national leader in zero-carbon energy!

Apr 01

Earth Day Tips #1

Inside: Take a shorter shower. Every time you take a shower you use about 5 gallons of water per minute. But if you shorten your shower by 2 minutes, you can cut your water use by 10 gallons.

Outside: Build a community garden. It will not only spice up your salad but your life by relieving stress, increasing your well being and making some friends along the way.

Apr 02

Earth Day Tips #2

Inside: Use cloth towels instead of paper ones. It’s easy to ditch paper towels with all the alternatives offered today. You’ll not only save our trees but some cash as well by using and reusing cloth or linen towels.

Outside: Keep your tires properly inflated. You'll get better gas mileage by 0.6%-3% by keeping your tires inflated to the proper pressure.

Apr 03

Earth Day Tips #3

Inside: Reduce Single-use Bottled Water. We Americans buy 29 billion single-use water bottles a year. For every six bottles people buy, only one is recycled. That’s a big problem since plastic takes up to 1,000 years to decompose. Earth Day Tip #3: Take a shorter shower.

Outside: Be an Eco Driver. Want to lower your vehicle’s fuel consumption and carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 25%? Be an eco-driver by following these simple tips:

  • Accelerate gently
  • Coast to decelerate
  • Avoid high speeds
  • Anticipate traffic
  • Maintain a steady speed
  • Keep your vehicle tuned up
  • Go electric!
Apr 04

Earth Day Tips #4

Inside: Turn off lights when you leave a room: The 15-minute rule. Here’s the general rule-of-thumb: If out of a room for 15 minutes or less, leave the lights on. If out of a room for more than 15 minutes, turn them off.

Outside: Support a local store or restaurant. You’ve heard, “Buy local, think global”. That couldn’t be more relevant than today. For every $100 you spend locally, $68 will stay in the community. For national chains, less than $43 stays here.

Apr 05

Earth Day Tips #5

At home: Replace incandescent light bulbs with LEDs. Switching to energy-efficient lighting is one of the fastest ways to cut your energy bill. To start, locate your home’s five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs and make the switch to LEDs or Energy Star fixtures. That alone can save you up to $60 each a year and reduce your carbon footprint by 450 pounds.

At work: Reduce your margins. By reducing your margins by one-half inch on each side on your computer, you will save reams of paper when printing. For an added bonus, print on both sides of your paper to save our trees and your budget. That’s saving green all around.

Apr 06

Earth Day Tips #6

At home: Recycle your old refrigerator or freezer and earn $75. Did you know that PNM will recycle your old, working refrigerator or freezer as a residential or business customer? Not only will we haul it off for free, but you will earn $75. It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Schedule an appointment.
  2. Tell us how you want your unit picked up.
  3. Receive your check.

Learn more about our Refrigerator Recycling Program here.

At work: Remove personal bins. Want to reduce your paper consumption? Remove your recycling and waste bin from under your desk. Sounds counterintuitive? The truth is by reducing the number of bins in the office and replacing them with a few centrally-located ones, you’ll not only print less, but meet new coworkers by the bin.

Apr 07

Earth Day Tips #7

At home: Track your foodprint. That’s everything it takes for food to go from the farm to your plate. Track your foodprint to know how much your food choices impact the planet.

At work: Use hibernation mode. When you are away from your desk or computer, make use of the hibernation feature to ensure your computer consumes less energy. Also check printers, microwaves and other appliances that have energy-saving features in your office.

Week 02

2 Billion Gallons of Water Saved. Everyone knows water is precious in New Mexico. Since 2007, PNM's energy efficiency programs and reduced use at power plants have saved New Mexico more than 2 BILLION gallons of water. That's enough to fill 47 million bathtubs!

Here’s some of the ways we’re doing it:

  • Our plants have implemented some of the most innovative water conservation technologies in the industry, such as using treated municipal effluent for water-cooling and air cooling.
  • PNM has set a goal to reduce freshwater use 80% by 2035 and 90% by 2040 from 2005 levels as we shift our portfolio to carbon-free sources.
  • Shutting down San Juan Generation Station and exiting Four Corners by 2031 will allow PNM to reach its goals for reduced use of freshwater of 80% by 2035 and 90% by 2040.
Apr 08

Earth Day Tips #8

Inside: Use eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning products. Gone are the days when eco-friendly cleaning products don’t work vey well. Today there are many to choose from so here’s a Healthy Cleaning Guide to know which ones are effective.

Outside: Compost leftover food & yard trimmings instead of throwing them away. 40% of our food is uneaten and ends up in a landfill. Composting reduces your food waste by 25% and creates rich soil for your veggie or community garden.

Apr 09

Earth Day Tips #9

At home: Donate your old clothes instead of throwing them out. 85% of all textiles end up in landfills every year. Yet nearly 100% of the textiles in your home can be recycled and donated, regardless of the quality or condition. Even though you don’t want your old clothes anymore, someone else does. Donate them and get a tax write-off instead!

At work: Learn your SDGs. SDG stands for Sustainable Development Goals and were adopted by all United Nations member states as a call to action to protect the planet, end poverty and improve the lives and prospects of everyone, everywhere. There are 17 goals and they are a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Learn more about SDGs and what commitments companies are making around them.

Apr 10

Earth Day Tips #10

At home: Turn off the water while you are brushing your teeth or shaving. On average, about two gallons of water flow from a faucet each minute. By turning off the water while brushing your teeth can save up to three or four gallons of water per person per day. That’s more than 1,000 gallons of water per year or enough for almost 100 four-minute showers.

At work: Donate old furniture and fixtures instead of throwing them out. Got an old desk, lighting fixture or outdated office supplies? Instead of sending them off to a landfill, donate them through organizations that will match your items to local non-profits that can really use what you don’t want anymore. It’s a win-win-win for you, the non-profit and the environment.

Apr 11

Earth Day Tips #11

Inside: Reduce your pet’s carbon pawprint. Yes, your pet has a carbon footprint too. For example, cats and dogs account for 25-30% of the environmental impact of meat consumption in the US. By switching to a quality protein coming from sources with a lighter carbon footprint such as chicken, turkey or sustainably-harvested fish, you will lighten Fido's environmental footprint.

Outside: Turn your car engine off instead of idling. Did you know that an idling car can release as much pollution as a moving one? By reducing idling, you reduce the amount of excess CO2 and exhaust particulates that are added to the atmosphere, not to mention reducing costs and wear on your engine. Here's a general rule-of-thumb:

1. Turn off your ignition if you're waiting more than 10 seconds

2. Warm up your engine by driving it, not by idling.

Happy and healthy travels!

Apr 12

Earth Day Tips #12

Inside: Cut each ring of plastic six-pack holders with scissors. Plastic six-pack holders used to hold cans of soda and beer are super dangerous to our birds, fish and other wildlife. Many of them will end of in landfills where birds and other wildlife are looking for food. By cutting the plastic rings of the holder, you are reducing entanglement calamities that can result in exhaustion, starvation or death.

Outside: Spend 10 minutes in nature every day. As little as 10 minutes at day in nature decreases in cortisol, the stress hormone in your body. The best part nature is free and abundant in our beautiful state of New Mexico.

Apr 13

Earth Day Tips #13

At home: Raise money or awareness for a local Environmental group. Is there an environmental group you know doing good work in New Mexico? Go to their social media pages and do a shout out. Tell your friends and colleagues what they do and why you support them. Earth Day is right around the corner. Why not do it now?

At work: Plan a Zero Waste event At first, it may seem impossible to achieve zero waste at any event. Before you throw in the reusable towel, with some planning you can significantly reduce the amount of waste at a simple business lunch meeting to a community-wide event. Here's a step-by-step plan that can help you be well on your zero-waste way.

Apr 14

Earth Day Tips #14

Inside: Try reading instead of streaming. We all love on-demand videos and streaming services. Don’t assume just because something doesn't have a physical format that it has no carbon footprint. So, take a break every now and then and curl up with a book like the environmental classic “Silent Spring” by Rachel Carson.

Outside: Hug a tree. Trees, with their roots, branches and spring buds, can provide a strong connection moment for you to take a deep breath and calm your mind. Evidence shows that hugging a tree increases levels of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for feeling calm and emotional bonding.

Week 03

PNM Team Green Rocks! We can’t celebrate Earth month without giving a Big Shout-out to the PNM Team Green! Team Green is a corporate-wide effort of committed employees. Members meet regularly to share successes on reducing, reusing and recycling waste generated by the company. Each Team Green facility seeks ways to reduce its environmental impact by developing programs and practices that work for that location. The focus is on reducing PNMR’s environmental impact by improving the rates of diverted materials across all facilities. Thanks to Team Green, last year we achieved a waste diversion rate of 78%!

Apr 15

Earth Day Tips #15

At home: Volunteer for an Earth Day event. A simple Google search for “New Mexico Environmental Groups” will bring up a hearty list of organizations that can use your help with their Earth Day activities. On a national scale, go to Earth Day Network’s volunteer page, and you can sign up for a number of ways to celebrate.

At work: Fly Direct. If your only option is to fly, then opt for the direct route. This can reduce your emissions by up to an impressive 50% compared to changing flights.

Apr 16

Earth Day Tips #16

Inside: Buy products made from or packaged in recycled materials. Look for products with a minimum amount of packaging or ones that are using recycled materials to reduce waste, lower carbon emissions and keep plastic out of the ocean.

Outside: Collect rainwater. No one knows more than New Mexicans how precious our water is. Rainwater harvesting is a great way to collect run-off from a structure or surface in order to store it for later use.

Apr 17

Earth Day Tips #17

Inside: Read the ingredient list on products. If you really want to know what’s in the product you're about to buy, read the ingredient list. The first 3 on the list make up what’s mostly inside. Eye-opening!

Outside: Start a garden swap. Swap dirt, seeds, wood or anything needed for your garden by posting on neighborhood apps such as Nextdoor, OfferUp or Facebook. Make sure you send a thank you photo when in bloom!

Apr 18

Earth Day Tips #18

Inside: Buy food in bulk. Foods in bulk cost up to 89% less. Why? Less packaging. Larger amounts. Efficient to ship. However, buying in bulk is not to be confused with hoarding. We’re all in this together right?

Outside: Make a homemade bird feeder. In your home, there are dozens of recyclable items such as milk cartons, empty water bottles, toilet paper rolls that will make for a one-of-a-kind bird feeder that reuses materials and helps our fine feathered friends. Need some inspiration? Check out this slide show of creative ideas.

Apr 19

Earth Day Tips 19

Inside: Turn down the temperature of your water heater. Water heating can be 15%-25% of energy consumption in your home. Turning down the temp on your hot water heater is eco-conscious and reduces monthly energy bills. Click here for more PNM Energy Efficiency Tips.

Outside: Dare to share. How many times do you use your tent each year? What about a ladder? Unless you use them for your profession, consider the possibility of sharing or renting items you don’t use every day. It’s called the share economy and you’ll have a lot less stuff to get rid of in your next garage sale.

Apr 20

Earth Day Tips #20

At home: Minimize use of aerosols. Aerosols can present significant environmental and safety hazards because of the compressed gas used as a propellant. Try an alternative approach (there are lots of them) and avoid ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons.

At work: Eat a plant-based burger for lunch. Next time you go out to lunch with a colleague, try a plant-based burger instead. You might not be able to taste the difference and plant-based diets emit up to 98% less greenhouse gas emissions.

Apr 21

Earth Day Tips #21

At home: Make your own disinfectant. Many ingredients for DIY disinfectants are probably in your pantry. Search online for recipes but just make sure your mix is 70% alcohol and leave it to dry on its own.

At work: Encourage environmental training. More than ever we need to encourage environmental training at work. Not only will it increase employee understanding of our ever-changing environmental landscape, but it will attract high-level talent who want to work for a company that prioritizes the environment.

Apr 22

Earth Day Tip #22.
Happy Earth Day!

At home and at work: Be a partner in our Pledge!

We hope you enjoyed our Earth Day tips and the environmental efforts and actions we do all year long. To celebrate Earth Day today and every day, we're inviting you to join us at home and at work in a Earth Day Pledge. Click on the image to read our commitment and take the pledge with us. We’re all in this together, right? Happy Earth Day to you and your family!